Welcome to the LCPC Schedule and Events page! Pickleball is a sport for all ages and all ability levels – actually, anyone who just wants to enjoy a great game and have fun doing it. In addition to our regularly scheduled play, you will see a list of training events, tournaments, activities and any other creative ideas we come up with!

NE Park is located HERE!

Proposed 2025 LCPC Court Schedule

2025 Schedule - Proposed


Rating Descriptions

  • Player is new to Pickleball, learning scoring and rules
  • Can hit a number of balls with a forehand
  • Has a hard time playing games as a rally is not sustainable yet
  • Players keep short rallies going but fail to return balls frequently and occasionally miss the ball entirely.
  • Has played a few games and knows how to score and knows some of the basic rules of the game.
  • Learning how to serve and serve accurately.
  • Developing a forehand.
  • Player starts to learn to judge where the ball is going and can sustain a short rally with players of equal ability.
  • Player has obvious weaknesses in his/her strokes, but is working on improving them.
  • Able to keep score and is familiar with the court positions for doubles play.
  • Still reluctant to come to the net.
  • Player is able to sustain longer rallies.
  • Player makes easier volleys and uses the backhand more often but needs to work on stroke development.
  • Player thinks more about coming to the Non Volley Zone (NVZ) and starts to become more aggressive in their play.
  • Begins to use dinks and lobs, but doesn’t fully understand when and where they should be used.
  • Serve becomes more reliable.
  • Knowledge of the rules improves.
  • Court coverage may still be weak but improves consistently.
  • Players are fairly consistent on the serve and serve return when hitting medium paced shots.
  • Players demonstrate improved skills with all the basic shots, strokes, and placement, but lacks control when trying for direction, depth, or power on these shots.
  • Player is using dinks and lobs on a regular basis as part of their game.
  • Player has achieved stroke dependability with directional control on most medium paced and some harder hit shots.
  • Player still needs to develop more depth and variety with shots but are exhibiting more aggressive net play.
  • Player anticipates their opponent’s shots and is developing team work in doubles.
  • Player starts to use the “third shot drop” and mix play with dinks, soft shots, more pace, angles and lobs.
  • Player has dependable strokes, directional control and depth on forehand and backhand strokes.
  • Uses lobs, overheads, approach shots, and volleys with success and occasionally forces errors when serving.
  • Successful third shot drops, dinks, pace mixture, angles and lobs are now regular parts of their game.
  • Player fully understands the rules, and can play by them.
  • Player understands the importance of “keeping the ball in play” and the effect of making errors.
  • Rallies may only be lost due to impatience.
  • Teamwork in doubles is evident.
  • Player has mastered all the skills, shot types, touch, spin, serves and can control the depth of their shots, and handle pace.
  • Player has excellent shot anticipation, extremely accurate shot placement and regularly hits winning shots.
  • Player forces opponents to make errors by keeping the ball in play.
  • Anticipates opponents shots resulting in good court positioning.
  • Mastered shot choices and strategies, varying these and their style of play according to the opponents strengths and weaknesses, and court position.
  • Excellent shot mix - soft, dinks, pace, angles and lobs. All to set up offensive situations.
  • Unforced errors are kept to a minimum to take advantage of opponent’s errors.
  • All the skills have been mastered for all shot types with touch spin serves all controlled to use as weapons.
  • Excellent shot anticipation extremely accurate shot placement and winning shots.
  • Force opponent’s error by keeping the ball in play.
  • Mastered the dink and drop shot.
  • Mastered the 3rd shot choice and strategies.
  • Uses soft shots, dinks and lobs to set up offensive situations.
  • Mastered the strategies and can vary them and their style of play to compete.
  • Dependable in stressful situations as in tournament or match play.
  • Athletic ability, quickness, agility and raw athleticism are also qualities that separate the top players from those near the top.

Upcoming Events

Registration opens February 1, 2025!  Register early to help us pay our loan!


LCPC Club Tournaments - Tentative Dates for 2025 are June 7th, 2025 and September 20th, 2025!


Ladies Brunch - TBD

During ladies play, everyone is asked to bring a food or drink item to share.  This has been extremely fun in the past....who wouldn't love pickleball AND good food and drink to share!!


